English አትሌቲክስ

# Tonight – Ethiopian Trials for the Olympic Games Paris 2024

የዛሬ ምሽቱ ተጠባቂ ውድድር !
ኢትዮጵያን በፓሪስ ኦሊምፒክ በ10,000 ሜትር, በ800 ሜትር እና በ1500 ሜትር ውድድሮች የሚወክሉ አትሌቶች መምረጫ ዛሬ ምሽት በስፔን ነርጃ ይደረጋል.
On June 14, the Nerja Stadium hosts the Ethiopian Trials for the Olympic Games Paris 2024. Athletes will compete in critical events such as the 10,000 meters for men and women also the 800 and 1,500 meters for men.