English አትሌቲክስ

በስቶክሆልም ዳይመንድ ሊግ ኢትዮጵያውያን አትሌቶች አሸንፈዋል! DIAMONDLEAGUE 💎#StockholmDL 🇸🇪




በስቶክሆልም ዳይመንድ ሊግ ኢትዮጵያውያን አትሌቶች በ3000 ሜትር ወንዶች የመሠናክል ለሜሳ ግርማ በ8፡01፡63 ቀዳሚ ሲሆን ሳሙኤል ፍሪዉ 8፡05፡78 በሆነ ሰአት ሁለተኛ እንዲሁም ጌትነት ዋሌ 8፡10፡73 4ኛ በመሆን ማሸነፋቸዉን የVOA ጋዜጠኛ ኤቢሳ ነገሰ ከስፍራው ዘግቧል ።


Ethiopian athletes excelled at the Stockholm Diamond League! Lamecha Girma set a world-leading time of 8:01:63 in the 3000m steeplechase, Samuel Firewu achieved a personal best of 8:05:78, and Getinet Wale finished 4th with a time of 8:10:73. Congratulations to all the athletes on their remarkable achievements!


@Eabisa Negese